Firewood is available on site. DO NOT bring your own. It may contain the dreaded beetles that are killing our forest!!!
No pets.
If you have to be asked repeatedly to refrain from disturbing and disrespecting other guests because of profanity, drunken, unruley behavior, rowdy and misbehaved children or you are caught giving alcohol to minors, your entire group will be expected to leave with no refund and you will not be allowed back. We expect all of our guests to be respectful to each other so everyone can have a pleasant camping experience. Thank you for your cooperation in advance.
To expedite your registration process, please print, fill out and mail your registration form:
Mail/email forms ( TunnelDamGardens @ or message us on Facebook!
Mother Nature's Riverfront Retreat
At the Tunnel Dam Garden Center
878 Gardens Road
Macks Creek, MO 65786
(Due to AT&T's inability to provide sevice this year our phone has been out. They have assured us, again, it should be working by April 25th. Sorry for the inconvenience.)